Want to make an impact? Whether as the main colour or an accent, red is warm, striking and bold. But it's also surprisingly versatile, with tones at the red end of the spectrum ranging from soft pastel pinks to rich purples. Here are some ideas to inspire you…
Red for warmth in the kitchen
Red is the hottest colour on the spectrum, so introducing some red cabinets into a white or neutral scheme can be just the thing for a dose of happy, cosy warmth.

Red for a bold, contemporary look
Red is a brilliant statement colour, so if bold, contemporary interior design is your thing, then a red kitchen sets the tone for the whole home.

Red as a contrast colour
Paired with a sharp white in a monochrome scheme, red will give the kitchen a vibrant, modern look. It also works beautifully when paired with a yellow, creating a fresh, warm, happy vibe.

Reds, pinks and purples
Using colours drawn from the red end of the spectrum, the Harpley kitchen combines multiple shades from pink to purple to stunning effect. It's a perfect example of how harmonious accent colours can work together to make a kitchen space sing.